Data from: 2024-10-19 20:16 UTC

API Documentation

See the OSM wiki for general information about the API.

Table of Contents


Path: /api/4/key/chronology
Description: Get chronology of key counts.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    date:TEXTDate in format YYYY-MM-DD.
    nodes:INTDifference of number of nodes with this key relative to previous entry.
    ways:INTDifference of number of ways with this key relative to previous entry.
    relations:INTDifference of number of relations with this key relative to previous entry.
Example: /api/4/key/chronology?key=highway
UI Example: /keys/highway#chronology


Path: /api/4/key/combinations
Description: Find keys that are used together with a given key.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
query — Only show results where the other_key matches this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: all — No filter.
nodes — Only values on tags used on nodes.
relations — Only values on tags used on relations.
ways — Only values on tags used on ways.
Sort: together_count, other_key, from_fraction
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    other_key:STRINGOther key.
    together_count:INTNumber of objects that have both keys.
    to_fraction:FLOATFraction of objects with this key that also have the other key.
    from_fraction:FLOATFraction of objects with other key that also have this key.
Example: /api/4/key/combinations?key=highway&page=1&rp=10&sortname=together_count&sortorder=desc
UI Example: /keys/highway#combinations


Path: /api/4/key/distribution/nodes
Description: Get map with distribution of this key in the database (nodes only).
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
Result: PNG image.
Example: /api/4/key/distribution/nodes?key=amenity
UI Example: /keys/amenity#map


Path: /api/4/key/distribution/ways
Description: Get map with distribution of this key in the database (ways only).
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
Result: PNG image.
Example: /api/4/key/distribution/ways?key=highway
UI Example: /keys/highway#map


Path: /api/4/key/overview
Description: Show various data for given key.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results (always 1).
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:HASHHash with data.
    key:STRINGThe tag key that was requested.
    projects:INTNumber of projects mentioning this key.
    users:INTNumber of users last editing objects with this key.
    wiki_pages:ARRAY OF HASHESLanguage codes for which wiki pages about this key are available.
        lang:STRINGLanguage code.
        english:STRINGEnglish name of this language.
        native:STRINGNative name of this language.
        dir:STRINGPrinting direction for native name ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto")
    has_map:BOOLIs a map with the geographical distribution of this key available?
    counts:ARRAY OF HASHESObjects counts.
        type:STRINGObject type ("all", "nodes", "ways", or "relations")
        count:INTNumber of objects with this type and key.
        count_fraction:FLOATNumber of objects in relation to all objects.
        values:INTNumber of different values for this key.
    description:HASH OF HASHESDescription of this key (hash key is language code).
        text:STRINGDescription text.
        dir:STRINGPrinting direction for this language ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto").
    prevalent_values:ARRAY OF HASHESPrevalent values ordered by count from most often used down.
        value:STRINGThe tag value.
        count:INTNumber of objects with this tag value.
        fraction:FLOATFraction of number of objects with this tag value compared to all objects.
Example: /api/4/key/overview?key=amenity
UI Example: /keys/amenity#overview


Path: /api/4/key/prevalent_values
Description: Get most prevalent values used with a given key.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
min_fraction — Only return values which are used in at least this percent of all objects with this key (optional, default = 0.01, minimum 0.01).
Paging: no
Filter: all — No filter.
nodes — Only values on tags used on nodes.
relations — Only values on tags used on relations.
ways — Only values on tags used on ways.
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    count:INTNumber of times this key/value is in the OSM database.
    fraction:FLOATNumber of times in relation to number of times this key is in the OSM database.
Example: /api/4/key/prevalent_values?key=highway&filter=ways
UI Example: /keys/highway#overview
Notes: Returns an additional row with value null and count the sum of the counts for all values not listed.


Path: /api/4/key/projects
Description: Get projects using a given key.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
query — Only show results where the project name or tag value matches this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: all — No filter.
nodes — Only values on tags used on nodes.
relations — Only values on tags used on relations.
ways — Only values on tags used on ways.
Sort: project_name, tag
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    project_id:STRINGProject ID
    project_name:STRINGProject name
    project_icon_url:STRINGProject icon URL
    on_node:BOOLFor nodes?
    on_way:BOOLFor ways?
    on_relation:BOOLFor relations?
    on_area:BOOLFor areas?
    doc_url:STRINGDocumentation URL
    icon_url:STRINGIcon URL
Example: /api/4/key/projects?key=highway&page=1&rp=10&sortname=project_name&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /keys/highway#projects


Path: /api/4/key/similar
Description: Find keys that are similar to a given key.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
query — Only show results where the other_key matches this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: other_key, count_all, similarity
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    other_key:STRINGOther key.
    count_all:INTNumber of objects that have the other key.
    similarity:INTAn integer measuring the similarity of the two keys, smaller is more similar.
Example: /api/4/key/similar?key=highway&page=1&rp=10&sortname=other_key&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /keys/highway#similar


Path: /api/4/key/stats
Description: Show some database statistics for given key.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    type:STRINGObject type ("all", "nodes", "ways", or "relations")
    count:INTNumber of objects with this type and key.
    count_fraction:FLOATNumber of objects in relation to all objects.
    values:INTNumber of different values for this key.
Example: /api/4/key/stats?key=amenity
UI Example: /keys/amenity#overview


Path: /api/4/key/values
Description: Get values used with a given key.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
lang — Language for description (optional, default: 'en').
query — Only show results where the value matches this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: all — No filter.
nodes — Only values on tags used on nodes.
relations — Only values on tags used on relations.
ways — Only values on tags used on ways.
Sort: value, count_all, count_nodes, count_ways, count_relations, in_wiki
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    count:INTNumber of times this key/value is in the OSM database.
    fraction:FLOATNumber of times in relation to number of times this key is in the OSM database.
    in_wiki:BOOLIs there at least one wiki page for this tag?
    desclang:STRINGLanguage the description of the tag is in.
    descdir:STRINGWriting direction ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto") of description of the tag.
    description:STRINGDescription of the tag from the wiki.
Example: /api/4/key/values?key=highway&page=1&rp=10&sortname=count_ways&sortorder=desc
UI Example: /keys/highway#values


Path: /api/4/key/wiki_pages
Description: Get list of wiki pages in different languages describing a key.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required)
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    lang:STRINGLanguage code.
    dir:STRINGWriting direction ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto") of description.
    language:STRINGLanguage name in its language.
    language_en:STRINGLanguage name in English.
    title:STRINGWiki page title.
    description:STRINGShort description of key from wiki page.
    image:HASHAssociated image.
        title:STRINGWiki page title of associated image.
        width:INTWidth of image.
        height:INTHeight of image.
        mime:STRINGMIME type of image.
        image_url:STRINGImage URL
        thumb_url_prefix:STRINGPrefix of thumbnail URL.
        thumb_url_suffix:STRINGSuffix of thumbnail URL.
    on_node:BOOLIs this a key for nodes?
    on_way:BOOLIs this a key for ways?
    on_area:BOOLIs this a key for areas?
    on_relation:BOOLIs this a key for relations?
    tags_implies:ARRAY OF STRINGSList of keys/tags implied by this key.
    tags_combination:ARRAY OF STRINGSList of keys/tags that can be combined with this key.
    tags_linked:ARRAY OF STRINGSList of keys/tags related to this key.
    status:STRINGStatus of this key/tag.
Example: /api/4/key/wiki_pages?key=highway
UI Example: /keys/highway#wiki
Notes: To get the complete thumbnail image URL, concatenate thumb_url_prefix, width of image in pixels, and thumb_url_suffix. The thumbnail image width must be smaller than width, use the image_url otherwise.


Path: /api/4/keys/all
Description: Get list of all keys.
Parameters: query — Only show keys matching this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: characters_colon — Category B: Only show keys like category A but with one ore more colons (:) inside.
characters_letters — Category C: Only show keys like category B but with uppercase latin letters or letters from other scripts.
characters_plain — Category A: Only show keys with latin lowercase letters (a to z) or underscore (_), first and last characters must be letters.
characters_problem — Category E: Only show keys with problematic characters.
characters_rest — Category F: Only show keys not fitting in category A through E.
characters_space — Category D: Only show keys with at least one whitespace character (space, tab, new line, carriage return, or from other scripts).
in_wiki — Only show keys that appear in the wiki.
not_in_db — Only show keys that do not appear in the database.
Sort: key, count_all, count_nodes, count_ways, count_relations, values_all, users_all, in_wiki, length
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    count_all:INTNumber of objects in the OSM database with this key.
    count_all_fraction:FLOATNumber of objects in relation to all objects.
    count_nodes:INTNumber of nodes in the OSM database with this key.
    count_nodes_fraction:FLOATNumber of nodes in relation to all tagged nodes.
    count_ways:INTNumber of ways in the OSM database with this key.
    count_ways_fraction:FLOATNumber of ways in relation to all ways.
    count_relations:INTNumber of relations in the OSM database with this key.
    count_relations_fraction:FLOATNumber of relations in relation to all relations.
    values_all:INTNumber of different values for this key.
    users_all:INTNumber of users owning objects with this key.
    in_wiki:BOOLIs there at least one wiki page for this key?
    projects:INTNumber of projects using this key
Example: /api/4/keys/all?page=1&rp=10&filter=in_wiki&sortname=key&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /keys


Path: /api/4/keys/similar
Description: Get list of pairs of similar keys, one used very often, one used rarely.
Parameters: query — Only show keys matching this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: key_common, key_rare, count_all_common, count_all_rare, similarity
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    key_common:STRINGKey thats used often in OSM database
    count_all_common:INTNumber of objects in the OSM database with the common key.
    key_rare:STRINGKey thats used rarely in OSM database
    count_all_rare:INTNumber of objects in the OSM database with the rare key.
    similarity:INTAn integer measuring the similarity of the two keys, smaller is more similar.
Example: /api/4/keys/similar?page=1&rp=10&sortname=count_all_common&sortorder=desc
UI Example: /reports/similar_keys


Path: /api/4/keys/wiki_pages
Description: Get list of wiki pages in different languages for all keys.
Parameters: query — Only show keys matching this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: key
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    lang:HASHHash with language codes as keys and values showing what type of wiki pages are available.
Example: /api/4/keys/wiki_pages?page=1&rp=10&sortname=key&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /reports/language_comparison_table_for_keys_in_the_wiki


Path: /api/4/keys/without_wiki_page
Description: Return frequently used tag keys that have no associated wiki page.
Parameters: english — Check for key wiki pages in any language (0, default) or in the English language (1).
min_count — How many tags with this key must there be at least to show up here? (default 10000).
query — Only show results where the key matches this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: key, count_all, values_all, users_all
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    count_all:INTNumber of objects in database with this key.
    count_all_fraction:FLOATFraction of objects in database with this key.
    values_all:INTNumber of different values for this key.
    users_all:INTNumber of different users who own objects with this key.
    prevalent_values:HASHOften used values.
        count:INTNumber of occurances of this value.
        fraction:FLOATFraction of all values.
Example: /api/4/keys/without_wiki_page?min_count=1000&english=1&page=1&rp=10&sortname=count_all&sortorder=desc
UI Example: /reports/frequently_used_keys_without_wiki_page


Path: /api/4/languages
Description: Get official subtags from the IETF BCP47 registry.
Parameters: query — Only show entries matching this query (case insensitive substring match on subtags and description; optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: language — Show entries of type 'language' only.
region — Show entries of type 'region' only.
script — Show entries of type 'script' only.
variant — Show entries of type 'variant' only.
Sort: subtag, description, added
  "type": STRING,
  "subtag": STRING,
  "description": STRING,
  "added": STRING,
  "notes": STRING
Example: /api/4/languages?page=1&rp=10&sortname=subtag&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /sources/languages/subtags


Path: /api/4/project/icon
Description: Get icon of a project.
Parameters: project — Project ID (required)
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
Result: PNG image.
Example: /api/4/project/icon?project=id_editor
UI Example: /projects/id_editor


Path: /api/4/project/tags
Description: Get list of all keys/tags used by a project.
Parameters: project — Project ID (required)
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: tag, count_all, in_wiki
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    on_node:BOOLFor nodes?
    on_way:BOOLFor ways?
    on_relation:BOOLFor relations?
    on_area:BOOLFor areas?
    doc_url:STRINGDocumentation URL
    icon_url:STRINGIcon URL
    count_all:INTEGERNumber of objects with this key/tag in database
    in_wiki:BOOLIs there at least one wiki page for this key/tag?
Example: /api/4/project/tags?project=id_editor&page=1&rp=10&sortname=tag&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /projects/id_editor


Path: /api/4/projects/all
Description: Get list of all projects using OSM tags known to taginfo.
Parameters: query — Only show projects where name or description matches this query (substring match, optional).
status — Only show projects with given status (default is "OK")
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: name, unique_keys, unique_values
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    id:STRINGProject id
    name:STRINGProject name
    project_url:STRINGProject URL
    icon_url:STRINGIcon URL
    doc_url:STRINGDocumentation URL
    description:STRINGProject description
    key_entries:INTKey entries for this project
    tag_entries:INTTag entries for this project
    unique_keys:INTUnique keys known to this project
    unique_tags:INTUnique tags known to this project
Example: /api/4/projects/all?page=1&rp=10&sortname=name&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /projects


Path: /api/4/projects/keys
Description: Get list of all keys used by at least one project.
Parameters: query — Only show keys matching this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: key, projects, in_wiki, count_all
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    projects:INTNumber of projects using this key
    in_wiki:BOOLIs there at least one wiki page for this key?
    count_all:INTNumber of objects in the OSM database with this key.
    count_all_fraction:FLOATNumber of objects in relation to all objects.
Example: /api/4/projects/keys?page=1&rp=10&sortname=key&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /projects#keys


Path: /api/4/projects/tags
Description: Get list of all tags used by at least one project.
Parameters: query — Only show tags matching this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: key, value, projects, in_wiki, count_all
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    projects:INTNumber of projects using this tag
    in_wiki:BOOLIs there at least one wiki page for this tag?
    count_all:INTNumber of objects in the OSM database with this tag.
    count_all_fraction:FLOATNumber of objects in relation to all objects.
Example: /api/4/projects/tags?page=1&rp=10&sortname=tag&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /projects#tags


Path: /api/4/relation/projects
Description: Get projects using a given relation type.
Parameters: query — Only show results where the value matches this query (substring match, optional).
rtype — Relation type (required)
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: project_name
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    project_id:STRINGProject ID
    project_name:STRINGProject name
    project_icon_url:STRINGProject icon URL
    on_node:BOOLFor nodes?
    on_way:BOOLFor ways?
    on_relation:BOOLFor relations?
    on_area:BOOLFor areas?
    doc_url:STRINGDocumentation URL
    icon_url:STRINGIcon URL
Example: /api/4/relation/projects?rtype=route&page=1&rp=10&sortname=project_name&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /relations/route#projects


Path: /api/4/relation/roles
Description: Member role statistics for a relation of given type.
Parameters: min_fraction — Only return roles which are used in at least this percent of all members (optional).
query — Only show results where the role matches this query (substring match, optional).
rtype — Relation type (required).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: role, count_all_members, count_node_members, count_way_members, count_relation_members
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    rtype:STRINGRelation type
    role:STRINGRelation member role.
    count_all_members:INTNumber of members with this role.
    count_all_members_fraction:FLOATNumber of members with this role devided by all members.
    count_node_members:INTNumber of members of type node with this role.
    count_node_members_fraction:FLOATNumber of members of type node with this role devided by all members of type node.
    count_way_members:INTNumber of members of type way with this role.
    count_way_members_fraction:FLOATNumber of members of type way with this role devided by all members of type way.
    count_relation_members:INTNumber of members of type relation with this role.
    count_relation_members_fraction:FLOATNumber of members of type relation with this role devided by all members of type relation.
Example: /api/4/relation/roles?rtype=multipolygon&page=1&rp=10
UI Example: /relations/multipolygon#roles
Notes: If the query parameter is not set and the min_fraction parameter is set and paging is disabled, the first row returned will have the role null and the counts are added up from all the results not shown due to the min_fraction parameter.


Path: /api/4/relation/stats
Description: Show some database statistics for given relation type.
Parameters: rtype — Relation type (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    type:STRINGMember type ("all", "nodes", "ways", or "relations")
    count:INTNumber of members with this type.
Example: /api/4/relation/stats?rtype=multipolygon
UI Example: /relations/multipolygon#overview


Path: /api/4/relation/wiki_pages
Description: Get list of wiki pages in different languages describing a relation type.
Parameters: rtype — Relation type (required)
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    lang:STRINGLanguage code.
    language:STRINGLanguage name in its language.
    language_en:STRINGLanguage name in English.
    title:STRINGWiki page title.
    dir:STRINGWriting direction ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto") of description.
    description:STRINGShort description of key from wiki page.
    image:HASHAssociated image.
        title:STRINGWiki page title of associated image.
        width:INTWidth of image.
        height:INTHeight of image.
        mime:STRINGMIME type of image.
        image_url:STRINGImage URL
        thumb_url_prefix:STRINGPrefix of thumbnail URL.
        thumb_url_suffix:STRINGSuffix of thumbnail URL.
Example: /api/4/relation/wiki_pages?rtype=multipolygon
UI Example: /relations/multipolygon#wiki
Notes: To get the complete thumbnail image URL, concatenate thumb_url_prefix, width of image in pixels, and thumb_url_suffix. The thumbnail image width must be smaller than width, use the image_url otherwise.


Path: /api/4/relations/all
Description: Information about the different relation types.
Parameters: query — Only show results where the relation type matches this query (substring match, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: rtype, count
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    rtype:STRINGRelation type
    count:INTNumber of relations with this type.
    count_fraction:INTNumber of relations with this type divided by the overall number of relations.
    prevalent_roles:ARRAYPrevalent member roles.
        role:STRINGMember role
        count:INTNumber of members with this role.
        fraction:FLOATNumber of members with this role divided by all members.
Example: /api/4/relations/all?page=1&rp=10
UI Example: /relations
Notes: prevalent_roles can be null if taginfo doesn't have role information for this relation type, or an empty array when there are no roles with more than 1% of members


Path: /api/4/search/by_key_and_value
Description: Search for tags by key and/or value.
Parameters: query — Value to search for (substring search, required).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: count_all, key, value
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    count_all:INTNumber of objects in the database with this tag.
Example: /api/4/search/by_key_and_value?query=highway%3Dresidential&page=1&rp=10
UI Example: /search?q=highway%3Dresidential


Path: /api/4/search/by_keyword
Description: Search for keys and tags by keyword in wiki pages.
Parameters: query — Value to search for (substring search, required).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: key, value
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
Example: /api/4/search/by_keyword?query=fire&page=1&rp=10
UI Example: /search?q=fire#fulltext


Path: /api/4/search/by_role
Description: Search for relation roles.
Parameters: query — Role to search for (substring search, required).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: count_all, rtype, role
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    rtype:STRINGRelation type.
    count_all:INTNumber of objects in the database with this role.
Example: /api/4/search/by_role?query=foo&page=1&rp=10
UI Example: /search?q=foo#roles


Path: /api/4/search/by_value
Description: Search for tags by value.
Parameters: query — Value to search for (substring search, required).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: count_all, key, value
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    count_all:INTNumber of objects in the database with this tag.
Example: /api/4/search/by_value?query=foo&page=1&rp=10
UI Example: /search?q=foo#values


Path: /api/4/site/config/geodistribution
Description: Get information about the background map for distribution charts.
Parameters: none
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
width:INTwidth of background image
height:INTheight of background image
scale_image:FLOATscale factor for images
scale_compare_image:FLOATscale factor for comparison images
background_image:STRINGURL of background image
image_attribution:STRINGmap attribution for comparison background
Example: /api/4/site/config/geodistribution
UI Example:


Path: /api/4/site/info
Description: Get information about this taginfo site.
Parameters: none
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
icon:STRINGPath to icon which appears on the lop left corner of all pages.
contact:STRINGContact information to admin.
area:STRINGDescription of area covered.
Example: /api/4/site/info
UI Example:


Path: /api/4/site/sources
Description: Get information about the data sources used.
Parameters: none
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in taginfo.
update_start:STRINGDate/Timestamp when last update was started.
update_end:STRINGDate/Timestamp when last update was finished.
Example: /api/4/site/sources
UI Example: /sources


Path: /api/4/tag/chronology
Description: Get chronology of tag counts.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
value — Tag value (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    date:TEXTDate in format YYYY-MM-DD.
    nodes:INTDifference of number of nodes with this tag relative to previous entry.
    ways:INTDifference of number of ways with this tag relative to previous entry.
    relations:INTDifference of number of relations with this tag relative to previous entry.
Example: /api/4/tag/chronology?key=highway&value=primary
UI Example: /tags/highway=primary#chronology


Path: /api/4/tag/combinations
Description: Find keys and tags that are used together with a given tag.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
query — Only show results where the other_key or other_value matches this query (substring match, optional).
value — Tag value (required).
Paging: optional
Filter: all — No filter.
nodes — Only values on tags used on nodes.
relations — Only values on tags used on relations.
ways — Only values on tags used on ways.
Sort: together_count, other_tag, from_fraction
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    other_key:STRINGOther key.
    other_value:STRINGOther value (may be empty).
    together_count:INTNumber of objects that have both this tag and other key (or tag).
    to_fraction:FLOATFraction of objects with this tag that also have the other key (or tag).
    from_fraction:FLOATFraction of objects with other key (or tag) that also have this tag.
Example: /api/4/tag/combinations?key=highway&value=residential&page=1&rp=10&sortname=together_count&sortorder=desc
UI Example: /tags/highway=residential#combinations


Path: /api/4/tag/distribution/nodes
Description: Get map with distribution of this tag in the database (nodes only). Will return empty image if there is no map available for this tag.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
value — Tag value (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
Result: PNG image.
Example: /api/4/tag/distribution/nodes?key=amenity&value=post_box
UI Example: /tags/amenity=post_box#map


Path: /api/4/tag/distribution/ways
Description: Get map with distribution of this tag in the database (ways only). Will return empty image if there is no map available for this tag.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
value — Tag value (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
Result: PNG image.
Example: /api/4/tag/distribution/ways?key=highway&value=residential
UI Example: /tags/highway=residential#map


Path: /api/4/tag/overview
Description: Show various data for given tag.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
value — Tag value (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results (always 1).
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:HASHHash with data.
    key:STRINGThe tag key that was requested.
    value:STRINGThe tag value that was requested.
    projects:INTNumber of projects mentioning this tag.
    wiki_pages:ARRAY OF HASHESLanguage codes for which wiki pages about this tag are available.
        lang:STRINGLanguage code.
        english:STRINGEnglish name of this language.
        native:STRINGNative name of this language.
        dir:STRINGPrinting direction for native name ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto")
    has_map:BOOLIs a map with the geographical distribution of this tag available?
    counts:ARRAY OF HASHESObjects counts.
        type:STRINGObject type ("all", "nodes", "ways", or "relations")
        count:INTNumber of objects with this type and tag.
        count_fraction:FLOATNumber of objects in relation to all objects.
    description:HASH OF HASHESDescription of this tag (hash key is language code).
        text:STRINGDescription text.
        dir:STRINGPrinting direction for this language ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto").
Example: /api/4/tag/overview?key=amenity&value=restaurant
UI Example: /tags/amenity=restaurant#overview


Path: /api/4/tag/projects
Description: Get projects using a given tag.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
query — Only show results where the project name matches this query (substring match, optional).
value — Tag value (required).
Paging: optional
Filter: all — No filter.
nodes — Only values on tags used on nodes.
relations — Only values on tags used on relations.
ways — Only values on tags used on ways.
Sort: project_name, tag
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    project_id:STRINGProject ID
    project_name:STRINGProject name
    project_icon_url:STRINGProject icon URL
    on_node:BOOLFor nodes?
    on_way:BOOLFor ways?
    on_relation:BOOLFor relations?
    on_area:BOOLFor areas?
    doc_url:STRINGDocumentation URL
    icon_url:STRINGIcon URL
Example: /api/4/tag/projects?key=highway&value=residential&page=1&rp=10&sortname=project_name&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /tags/highway=residential#projects


Path: /api/4/tag/stats
Description: Show some database statistics for given tag.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required).
value — Tag value (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    type:STRINGObject type ("all", "nodes", "ways", or "relations")
    count:INTNumber of objects with this type and tag.
    count_fraction:FLOATNumber of objects in relation to all objects.
Example: /api/4/tag/stats?key=amenity&value=school
UI Example: /tags/amenity=school#overview


Path: /api/4/tag/wiki_pages
Description: Get list of wiki pages in different languages describing a tag.
Parameters: key — Tag key (required)
value — Tag value (required).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    lang:STRINGLanguage code.
    dir:STRINGWriting direction ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto") of description.
    language:STRINGLanguage name in its language.
    language_en:STRINGLanguage name in English.
    title:STRINGWiki page title.
    description:STRINGShort description of tag from wiki page.
    image:HASHAssociated image.
        title:STRINGWiki page title of associated image.
        width:INTWidth of image.
        height:INTHeight of image.
        mime:STRINGMIME type of image.
        image_url:STRINGImage URL
        thumb_url_prefix:STRINGPrefix of thumbnail URL.
        thumb_url_suffix:STRINGSuffix of thumbnail URL.
    on_node:BOOLIs this a tag for nodes?
    on_way:BOOLIs this a tag for ways?
    on_area:BOOLIs this a tag for areas?
    on_relation:BOOLIs this a tag for relations?
    tags_implies:ARRAY OF STRINGSList of keys/tags implied by this tag.
    tags_combination:ARRAY OF STRINGSList of keys/tags that can be combined with this tag.
    tags_linked:ARRAY OF STRINGSList of keys/tags related to this tag.
    status:STRINGStatus of this key/tag.
Example: /api/4/tag/wiki_pages?key=highway&value=residential
UI Example: /tags/highway=residential#wiki
Notes: To get the complete thumbnail image URL, concatenate thumb_url_prefix, width of image in pixels, and thumb_url_suffix. The thumbnail image width must be smaller than width, use the image_url otherwise.


Path: /api/4/tags/list
Description: Get information on given tags or all tags documented on the wiki with given key.
Parameters: key — Key (optional)
tags — Comma-separated list of tags in format key1=value1a,value1b,...,key2=value2a,value2b,... (optional).
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    in_wiki:BOOLIn there at least one wiki page for this tag?
    count_all:INTNumber of objects in the OSM database with this tag.
    count_all_fraction:FLOATNumber of objects in relation to all objects.
    count_nodes:INTNumber of nodes in the OSM database with this tag.
    count_nodes_fraction:FLOATNumber of nodes in relation to all tagged nodes.
    count_ways:INTNumber of ways in the OSM database with this tag.
    count_ways_fraction:FLOATNumber of ways in relation to all ways.
    count_relations:INTNumber of relations in the OSM database with this tag.
    count_relations_fraction:FLOATNumber of relations in relation to all relations.
    on_node:BOOLIs this a tag for nodes?
    on_way:BOOLIs this a tag for ways?
    on_area:BOOLIs this a tag for areas?
    on_relation:BOOLIs this a tag for relations?
    wiki:HASHHash with language codes as keys and values are hashes with the following keys:
        description:STRINGDescription of this tag.
        image:HASHOptional hash with information about descriptive image:
            image:STRINGWiki page title of associated image.
            width:INTWidth of image.
            height:INTHeight of image.
            mime:STRINGMIME type of image.
            image_url:STRINGImage URL
            thumb_url_prefix:STRINGPrefix of thumbnail URL.
            thumb_url_suffix:STRINGSuffix of thumbnail URL.
        osmcarto_rendering:HASHOptional hash with information about default rendering:
            image:STRINGWiki page title of associated image.
            width:INTWidth of image.
            height:INTHeight of image.
            mime:STRINGMIME type of image.
            image_url:STRINGImage URL
            thumb_url_prefix:STRINGPrefix of thumbnail URL.
            thumb_url_suffix:STRINGSuffix of thumbnail URL.
Example: /api/4/tags/list?tags=highway=primary,secondary,amenity=post_box
UI Example:
Notes: You have to either use the key parameter or the tags parameter.


Path: /api/4/tags/popular
Description: Get list of most often used tags.
Parameters: query — Only show tags matching this query (substring match in key and value, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: tag, count_all, count_nodes, count_ways, count_relations
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    in_wiki:BOOLIn there at least one wiki page for this tag?
    count_all:INTNumber of objects in the OSM database with this tag.
    count_all_fraction:FLOATNumber of objects in relation to all objects.
    count_nodes:INTNumber of nodes in the OSM database with this tag.
    count_nodes_fraction:FLOATNumber of nodes in relation to all tagged nodes.
    count_ways:INTNumber of ways in the OSM database with this tag.
    count_ways_fraction:FLOATNumber of ways in relation to all ways.
    count_relations:INTNumber of relations in the OSM database with this tag.
    count_relations_fraction:FLOATNumber of relations in relation to all relations.
    projects:INTNumber of projects using this tag
Example: /api/4/tags/popular?page=1&rp=10&sortname=tag&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /tags


Path: /api/4/unicode/characters
Description: Get information about unicode characters.
Parameters: string — Character string (required).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: none
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    char:TEXTUnicode character.
    codepoint:INTUnicode code point.
    script:TEXTCode (Xxxx) of script this character is in.
    script_name:TEXTName of script this character is in.
    category:TEXTUnicode general category (Xx) of this character.
    name:TEXTUnicode name of this character (null if unknown).
Example: /api/4/unicode/characters?string=highway
UI Example: /keys/highway#characters


Path: /api/4/wiki/languages
Description: List languages taginfo knows about and how many wiki pages describing keys and tags there are in these languages.
Parameters: none
Paging: no
Filter: none
Sort: code, native_name, english_name, wiki_key_pages, wiki_tag_pages
total:INTTotal number of results.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    code:STRINGLanguage code.
    dir:STRINGDirection this language is written in ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto").
    native_name:STRINGName of language in this language.
    english_name:STRINGName of language in English.
    wiki_key_pages:INTNumber of "Key" wiki pages in this language.
    wiki_key_pages_fraction:FLOATNumber of "Key" wiki pages in this language in relation to the number of keys described in any language in the wiki.
    wiki_tag_pages:INTNumber of "Tag" wiki pages in this language.
    wiki_tag_pages_fraction:FLOATNumber of "Tag" wiki pages in this language in relation to the number of tags described in any language in the wiki.
Example: /api/4/wiki/languages?sortname=wiki_key_pages&sortorder=desc
UI Example: /reports/languages


Path: /api/4/wikidata/all
Description: Get all wikidata entries about keys, tags, and relations.
Parameters: lang — Language for description (optional, default: 'en').
query — Only show results matching this string (substring match on key/value/rtype/item code/item description, optional).
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: type, ktr, item
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    type:STRINGOne of 'key', 'tag', or 'relation'.
    item:STRINGThe wikidata items Q or P code.
    description:STRINGThe description of the wikidata item.
    key:STRINGThe OSM key related to this item (set for key and 'tag' type).
    value:STRINGThe value of the OSM tag related to this item (set for 'tag' type).
    rtype:STRINGThe OSM relation type related to this item (set for 'relation' type).
Example: /api/4/wikidata/all?lang=fr&page=1&rp=10&sortname=item&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /sources/wikidata/items


Path: /api/4/wikidata/errors
Description: Get import errors for wikidata source.
Parameters: none
Paging: optional
Filter: none
Sort: item
total:INTTotal number of results.
page:INTResult page number (first has page number 1).
rp:INTResults per page.
url:STRINGURL of the request.
data_until:STRINGAll changes in the source until this date are reflected in this taginfo result.
data:ARRAY OF HASHESArray with results.
    item:STRINGThe wikidata items Q or P code.
    propvalue:STRINGThe wikidata item property value.
    desciption:STRINGThe description of the wikidata item.
    error:STRINGThe error message.
Example: /api/4/wikidata/errors?page=1&rp=10&sortname=item&sortorder=asc
UI Example: /sources/wikidata/errors
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