Data from: 2024-10-16 20:19 UTC


The OSM Wiki is read and all Key:*, Tag:*, and Relation:* pages (in all the different languages) are analyzed. Descriptions, images, related tags, etc. are extracted from them.


Data until*:2024-10-17 04:38:24 UTC
Last update run:2024-10-17 04:38:24 to 2024-10-17 04:43:33 UTC (5 mins )
Database size:103 MB
Download:taginfo-wiki.db.bz2 (20 MB)

* All edits until this time will be in the data, later edits might be.


Pages for keys:12469
Pages for tags:23801
Pages for relation types:188

Image sizes

There a a total of 6298 distinct images used as reference images on Key:/Tag:/Relation: pages. Of these...

  • 61 are smaller than 64x64 pixels.
  • 24 are more than twice as tall as they are wide.
  • 228 are more than twice as wide as they are tall.
  • 17 have more than 20 MB.

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Wiki images

Images used in the wiki to symbolize the keys in different languages. Sometimes the image from one or the other language variant is better. But sometimes it makes sense to have different images because of different cultural backgrounds or so.

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